Our new listing at Å Camp is soon finished! It’s called Aure, meaning, he who moves along the sandbanks, this is also the local term for trout. Aure is a portable unit that can be placed in almost any location, the first year it will be standing down by the river close to the camp.  A perfect cabin for a couple or small family, it is either possible to make one large bed or three small beds. There is a nice woodburning stove and a terrace looking onto the river, Tessungåe.

The cabin is equipped with a sitting area which doubles as bedroom. For washing we have an Indian bucket bath on the rear terrace, and an outdoor bush bathtub is available close by. There is a mini kitchen on the front terrace which consists of a gas cooking top and utensils, where it’s possible to make a small meal, tea or coffee, there is also a communal kitchen and a fire for grilling on the camp, 60 meters away. see aacamp. Toilet, there is an outdoor composting toilet which is close by.





Giftcards are coming soon!


Prices Giftcards

Summer (15. April - 15. October) - 2300 nok pr natt

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