Barn Project 

The first stage of renovating the barn at the camp is finished for now, and its amazing! The space is now working as a kitchen, a hangout area and a workspace. Its a great place to be, with loads of history from the past generations, and it'll be a hub for everything to come.

I want to thank all my great friends for helping out, it would of never been possible without you guys!


Prosess pictures -

Design - Build - support

Isaac Hegna Manning - Design student

Daniel Paida Larsen – Filmmaker/artist

Chirster Frostmo - Design student

Estel Johnatan Larsen - Super handy dude - Carpenter

Peter Manning - Architect

Beth Fosmark Guldbrandsen - Photography student

Silvia Rossi - Animator

Myriam Marti Guomundsdottir - Photographer

Klara Kadziola - Bartender

Martin Brakstad - Comedian